Easy Face Mask from Socks! NO Sew! DIY Cloth Mask with Socks | Tutorial

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How to make a face mask at home is easy. I made a video tutorial on a face mask from an ordinary sock. In this video about seamless face masks, I included details on how to cut a face mask from socks. Using socks helped me quickly and easily create a face mask. You can make a home mask out of fabric or similar materials.
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Anyone can make this face mask at home.
This video with show you how to make a simple and easy cloth face mask from socks in few minutes.
This mask needs to sewing or bands to tie, its that easy.
Please wear face mask and protect yourself when you leave home

Note : Though cloth masks are not that capable of protection compared to N95 or surgical mask . It still gives a marginal amount of protection when you step out of your home.
Kindly wash each time after use!

Watch our other videos:
How to Make a Face Mask at Home Easy | DIY Tutorial ► https://youtu.be/lpyJQe54AzM
How to Make DIY Face Mask out of a Bra | Tutorial ► https://youtu.be/HuGbEa2ex74
How to sew Medical Fabric Face Mask | DIY Tutorial ► https://youtu.be/cZ1diaAzqv0
1 minute Face Mask Without Sewing | DIY Tutorial ► https://youtu.be/63mhOU-QUG8
How to make face mask with napkin | DIY Tutorial ► https://youtu.be/d5LbNJ1KxxE
!!! Also watch 4 Make Fabric Face Mask at Home ► https://youtu.be/ImtNnuokTcU
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