Major Update v0.6.0 Wobbly Life -Unser erster Feuerwehr Einsatz -NEW Secrets - Pets - Jobs - Outfits

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#WobblyLifeMajorUpdate #WobblyLifeSecret #WobblyLife
Leute das neue Wobbly Life Major Update v0.6.0 ist endlich am START!!!Es gibt soooooooooooo viel zu Entdecken soo MEGGAAA.Wir werden euch alles Zeigen in den kommenden Tagen was es neues in Wobbly gibt!!!
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Update Notes Major Update v0.6.0

New Content:
- Somethings happening on the mountain!
- Added Science lab job
- Added Television Studio! Including the Wonderful Wobbly Quiz and a greenscreen room
- Added Firefighter job
- Added Woodcutter job
- Added Fighter Jet race

- New Clothes: Quizmaster Outfit, Cowboy Outfit, Stonks Hat, Diving Helmet, Firefighter Outfit, Plunger Hat, Woodcutter Outfit, Dino Pants, Spider Outfit, Pilot Helmet, Lab Coat, Safety Goggles, Smart Glasses - Male/Female Version, Secret Service Glasses/Female version, Mad Scientist Hat, JoonBug, WoollyBear and Dario Tv Shirts, Present Hat, Lightbulb Hat, Arrow Hat, Princess Dress, Pharaoh Headress, Avocado Shirt, Shark Costume, Fish Bowl Hat, Trash can Costume, Globe hat

- Added Icecream Truck vehicle
- Added Hamster Ball vehicle
- Added Hovercraft vehicle
- Added Tree Cutter vehicle
- Added Fighter Jet vehicle
- Added Limousine vehicle
- Added Toy Shop in City
- Added Lil C, Toppy, Rabbit and Parrot pets
- Added option in Dye Shop to revert selected clothes to its default color
- Added Steam trading cards and community items
- More secrets

Updated Content:
- New save system - Allows for multiple worlds, each with up to 4 characters
- Updated GoKart handling
- Revamped Wardrobe/Clothes Shop UI
- Each Clothes shop now has a unique catalogue
- Presents now go transparent once you've collected them
- When completing a delivery job the money bags are now spawned with the player instead of at the delivery end point
- When finishing/losing a race Players are teleported back to the race start
- UFO Pizza Delivery now has a 10min timer and only one instance can be played at a given time

Graphical Improvements:
- Improved terrain performance
- Added soft shadows option
- Player map icons change when you are on a job
- Added Sun Flare
- Slightly improved skybox and day night cycle
- Updated Intro Cutscene images
- Added option to toggle Sun Flare
- Added option to turn on higher quality terrain
- Added option to toggle Tessellation
- Added option to change between Vertical and Horizontal Splitscreen
- Added saving indicator
- Added defaults option in options menu
- Added option to change rain quality

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bunch of network issues (Big NPCs/Bridge spawning in weird places etc)
- Fixed train whistle audio not attenuating properly in tunnels.
- Fixed rocking horse deleting when it has left chunk
- Fixed ForkLift buttons stay on screen after vehicle has been destroyed
- Fixed Negative money bug (If you have negative money, this update will fix that)
- Fixed Underground Train door flicker
- Fixed Prop Shop split screen controlling losing button focus
- Fixed Changing resolution doesn't affect UI
- Fixed Burger Omatic locking up
- Potential Fix for player losing game save when not exiting the game properly
- Fixed Ziplines not supporting more then 1 player
- Fixed Treasure chest present bug
- Fixed last node in Race disappears before reaching it
- Fixed telephone box vehicle spawn inside each other
- Fixed Ferris Wheel catapulting

Known Issues
- Sometimes the player in the Hamster Ball escapes which gives weird results
- Fighter Jet, the input sometimes stays on the screen
- Pet Select UI doesn't scale well on split screen
- Pet Locked UI doesn't scale well on split screen
- Fixed Rocket Test stuff stays on table

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