Board Game Launching on Kickstarter June 2020 (2nd half)

247 Aufrufe
Kevin looks at board games launching the second half of June 2020.
Link to our Kickstarter -

Series Sponsors:
Lucky Duck Games
Gamefound ([email protected])
Meeple Realty

Winner from last video: Christopher Vincent

June 16 The Night Cage
June 16 Spaceship Redoubt
June 16 Bad Guy Nonsense
June 16 Dwarven Smithy Expansion
June 16 Renegade Puzzles
June 16 Age of Atlantis
June 16 Radioactive Bees
June 16 Ambal Tournament
June 16 Walls of Scydonia
June 16 Terraforming Mars Big Box and more
June 22 Not it! Cryptid Hunters Edition
June 22 Domination
June 23 Roll Player Adventures
June 23 Syndicate
June 23 Sorcerer: Endbringer
June 23 In Too Deep
June 23 canopy
June 23 Intrepid
June 26 Motorsport
June 26 L.O.O.P. (Life Of Ordinary People)
June 30 Houston, We have a Dolphin
June 30 Mantis Falls
End of June Hybrid, Disordered Cosmos
End of June Cracked Earth
End of June Plunderous
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