2020 08 30 Colossians 4 - "In Christ: You, Me, and Them" - Rosemarie & Waldemar Kowalski

196 Aufrufe
Join for worship with IES Jakarta and EvaMarie, opportunities to partner in God's work in Bandung, and then a talk by Rosemarie & Waldemar Kowalski on "In Christ: You, Me, and Them", from the story of Ruth and Colossians 4. Kat and Claudia will read for us during the talk. We will celebrate communion together, hear a Kid Talk, and our kids will recite the verse for today. Our benediction will be "The Blessing Indonesia" courtesy of Tabernacle Worship.

Sunday Links Activity for Kids

"Bible Project" Link for Ruth

Thank you, and God bless you!

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please visit our official website https://biccommunity.wordpress.com/

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