2020 08 16 Colossians 2 - "Free to Depend on God" - Rosemarie & Waldemar Kowalski

195 Aufrufe
Welcome to BIC Online! Join our worship team in song, followed by Bible readings and then a talk by Rosemarie & Waldemar Kowalski on being "Free to Depend on God", from the story of Gideon (Judges 6 & 7) and Colossians 2. We will celebrate communion together, hear a Kid Talk from Dave, and our kids will recite the verse for today. We close with "The Blessing Indonesia" courtesy of Tabernacle Worship.

Sunday Links Activity for Kids
Devotional - https://www.crosswalk.com/devotionals/bible-study-minute/gideon-a-fearful-man-with-a-mighty-mission-bible-study-minute-march-6-2018.html
Easy word search - https://www.dltk-kids.com/bible/word-search/c-wordsearch-easy-gideon-caps.gif
Hard word search - https://www.dltk-kids.com/bible/word-search/c-wordsearch-gideon.gif
Gideon Maze - https://www.dltk-kids.com/bible/mazes/c-maze-gideon.gif
Coloring - https://sundayschoolzone.com/activity/god-gave-gideon-courage-color-by-number/view/

"Bible Project" Link for Judges
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOYy8iCfIJ4 Judges

Thank you, and God bless you!

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please visit our official website https://biccommunity.wordpress.com/

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