River City Detective Patrol - The Feds Are In Town | Roblox Episode 57

176 Aufrufe
In this episode of Emergency Response Liberty County, we patrol as a Detective with the RCPD. In the previous episode, Jonah quit his job at the department and was almost fired for how he acted on a shots fired call. So to begin the day, the FBI shows up at our department's door! There is a fugitive that is suspected to be hiding in our city! Somehow Jonah is with the Feds as he is now a Federal Agent! So we head into the briefing room and get the full rundown on the situation. We then suit up in our tactical gear, and hit the road. While searching for the fugitive, we locate a black muscle car in the river. We then get intel on the location of the fugitive. He is hiding out in a cave on the outskirts of the city! We breach the cave, and have a shootout with the fugitive, who is also being helped by someone else!

Thank you so much Oceans_Bae for editing this episode! Thank you so much for the huge help!

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