Ride Along With Barbie Patrol In A Pontiac Trans Am | GTA 5 LSPDFR Episode 468

266 Aufrufe
In this episode of LSPDFR, we will be patrolling as the Los Santos Police Department. We will be patrolling in BlueGhost's ELS Unmarked Pontiac Trans Am. The mod link is down bellow. We will have a partner with the Ultimate Backup mod. Barbie will be our Ride Along for the day!
This episode is subscriber requested by TheGunfighter45acp.

We begin our patrol with driving up to Barbie's front gate. She opens the gate for us, and we drive down her winding driveway, up to the mansion. We pick her up and head onto patrol! The first call we respond to is for a Store Robbery in Progress! When we arrive on scene, there is an unconscious person out side the store. We then see the suspect walk out of the store, but Coastal Callouts glitches on us and then LSPDFR crashes, lol. We then go back on duty and get a call for a Suspicious Parked Car. We head over to the location and are unable to locate any car. We then Code 4 on that one, as it was either a prank call, or the person already left the scene. Next we get a call for a Troublemaker at a Mero Station. We arrive on scene and locate the suspect when they flee from us! We both chase him down and use the taser to subdue the suspect. We then get a call for a Wanted Person. We arrive on scene and the suspect tires to flee. He doesn't get far before we have him in custody.
The final call of this patrol is for a Suspicious Suspect located in West Vinewood. We locate the vehicle and pull up behind him. We tell the driver to pull over, but they try to flee. After this final call of the patrol, we drive Barbie back to her house and get to see her Siberian Husky!
#lspdfr #lspdfrridealong #gta5mods #gta5 #mikegoldengames #policemod #subscriberrequest #lspdfrbarbie #ridealongpatrol #tasertasertaser #pontiactransam #lspdfrpartner

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Shot in 1080p at 60fps
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Mods Installed:

I have a Full mod list on my website, because YouTube does not allow so much text.

BlueGhost's Unmarked Pack 2.0 - https://www.lcpdfr.com/downloads/gta5mods/vehiclemodels/26123-els-blueghosts-unmarked-pack/

EUP Vest and Earpiece - https://www.lcpdfr.com/downloads/gta5mods/character/25692-eup-vest%EF%BC%86earpiece-beta/
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