Over Jump Rally - オーバージャンプ ALPHA DEMO (Sega Rally Tribute indie game)

221 Aufrufe
Overjump is an indie homage to the legendary arcade rally racing game from 1994, #SegaRally, recreated in #UnrealEngine5. It's a one man project created by a fan who's a passionate about old Sega games as I am. Alessandro, the game's developer contacted me last week to ask if I'd like to give the Alpha demo version a playtest. I of courses said YEEEEESSS!

I'm going to stick a BIG disclaimer at the front of this here...

1. It's still only an ALPHA demo and the handling's a bit.... spicy... If I can keep the car on the track it's good, but I found the slightest bump on the scenery would send my car flying into the air like it weighed nothing, and it was possible to actually go right over the barriers into the surrounding terrain sometimes. Alessandro, is aware of this and mentioned to me he needs to put invisible walls and ceilings in. Again, Alpha demo, not beta, not finished product...

2. There's no CPU cars or timer yet.

3. I'm running it on underpowered hardware and have had to stick the quality settings down to their lowest. This gameplay isn't really at all representative of just how good this looks on a PC that isn't as old as mine.

Check out this gameplay video from Alessandro himself: https://youtu.be/xu7M-AvTgJA

The game looks chuffin' ace when he runs it...

Find out more here: https://twitter.com/OverJumpRally/status/1565755482702168065?s=20&t=hcyDeAawLupQY_eCxUrZeg

Initially when I was first trying to get it running I kept getting a message about a missing 'CreateDXGIFactory2' DLL, which I thought might've been an issue with running the new Unreal Engine working on Windows 7. I tried a few workarounds I found on Google which didn't help, but eventually I found this one on Steam that did:


After I did that fix, UE5 would start, but, I kept getting errors about missing DLLs, but I just kept Googling for the missing DLLs and after I put about three in the game folder it started working. Hurrah!

I think the fact I had to cannibalise part of the ReShade exe to use a DLL from inside it (the Steam fix) explains why I've got that message at the top of the screen about ReShade being installed. Haven't been able to figure out a way to get rid of it yet...

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