Outriders – Stuttering and Frame Rate Issues – Potential Fix - MGN TV

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Outriders Stutter and FPS issues – Fix


Select the “Play Outriders- DirectX11” launch option when starting the game.
Alternatively, force DX11 to run the game via a command line

In Steam : Outriders Demo - Manage - Properties - Launch option - Write the below in the textbox without the ” “

“-force -dx11”

For Outriders to work properly, please also check whether you have the latest NVIDIA Game Ready installed. We have heard that there might be issues with is. If you currently have the latest driver already installed, please consider rolling back to the previous driver to see if this affects anything.

Alternative Workarounds:

Disable Ansel
Disable DLSS
Turn Vsync off
Enable your FPS Limiter and choose various limits to see if improvements are made
Ensure Controller Configuration is supported

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