
No Man's Sky - Steam Link, Video Capture, Streaming - FIX! (freezing/stuttering footage)

301 Aufrufe
Having trouble using the Steam Link with NMS? Getting skipping/freezing whenever you try to record/stream the game? Desperate for a solution!?

Look no further! This video explains the issue and shows you exactly how to fix it, with PROOF.

To toot my own horn, which is sorely in need of a good toot, I actually figured this out myself, although I did later notice it was on the list of fixes in the very reddit I shared in this video!

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/4xkj1w/pc_version_list_of_common_fixes_and_suggestions/
OBS Recording software: https://obsproject.com/
Process Hacker 2: http://processhacker.sourceforge.net/

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