How to travel by Sea in China? (Boat, Ferry, Ship) from Beihai to Weizhou 如何在中国海上旅行?(船,轮渡,船)从北海到威州

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Hi Everyone and welcome back to travel in 2021 in China. This time let's explore Beihai, the beaches and in the upcoming videos the beautiful island of Weizhou.

Beihai, chinesisch 北海市, ist eine bezirksfreie Stadt im Südosten des Autonomen Gebiets Guangxi der Zhuang in der Volksrepublik China, mit rund 1,53 Millionen Einwohnern.

And in today's video we are taking the Ship from Beihai to Weizhou, the small Island which is roughly 40 km away from the Mainland China. In hot seasons the Ferry will set sail up to 10 times a day where as we went here, only 3 times were scheduled.

Enjoy the ride and the exploration of a Chinese Boat.

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With Special thanks and credit to China Info Woche for my Intros:

Gesundheits Tipps
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