How to Install Wine 6.0 on Ubuntu 20.10 | SYSNETTECH Solutions

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This video shows you the steps to install Wine 6.0 on Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) 64 Bit operating system.

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Many Linux users have installed a Windows-based application on their systems using WineHQ software.

So what is this Wine software?

The software that enables the installation of applications running on Windows operating systems by creating a layer in Linux distributions such as #Ubuntu is called Wine.

For example, users prefer this software because of the ease of use of Microsoft Office applications and a large number of helpful documents available on the Internet. However, since Windows operating systems are paid, some users prefer Linux-based distributions.

Therefore, users who have gained experience with the Office application want to use this software on Linux systems.

This is where Wine software comes into play. Because, because Wine creates a software layer in Ubuntu or other Linux-based distributions, it enables the applications supported in the database to be easily installed on Linux systems.

Now let's install the stable version of Wine, 6.0, on Ubuntu's latest stable release 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla).

Step 1: First of all, if you have installed a 64 Bit based Ubuntu distribution on your computer, enable the 32 Bit architecture for the Wine software to run properly. To do this, open the terminal and execute the corresponding command mentioned in our article.

Step 2: Next, execute the wget command to download the Wine software key from the official website.

Step 3: Add the Wine key you downloaded to your system and then define the repo address so that new versions of the program can be checked.

Step 4: And finally, to install the stable version of Wine, you need to execute the command which is stable at the end.

Step 5: Confirm the installation of Wine Mono and Gecko packages during the installation phase because they are required for the installation of Net Framework and HTML based programs.

Step 6: After completing the wine installation, run the winecfg command in the terminal and run it.

Step 7: To test the #Wine software, download Notepad++, and open it with Wine and install it.

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