How To Fix Bootloader In Windows 10

243 Aufrufe
This tutorial should hopefully show you guys how to resolve issues when Windows 10 is unable to boot into its normal operating environment.This does not require the use of a recovery cd/dvd or usb device, however it could speed up this process a bit.

If your Windows PC is throwing an error message at you before it even begins to load Windows, it’s possible that the boot sector on your system partition is damaged, corrupted, or has missing files. Here’s how to troubleshoot those problems.

The boot sector is a small section at the beginning of a hard drive that gets created whenever you format the drive. The boot sector contains some code and data that helps BIOS hand off control of the startup process to Windows. The boot sector also hosts the Master Boot Record (MBR), which contains the disk signature, partition table for the disk, and a small bit of code called the master boot code.

When a PC starts, the initial power-on routine is handled by the BIOS. The BIOS then loads the master boot code into the PC’s RAM and hands off the startup processes to it. The master boot code scans the partition table, determines the active partition, loads a copy of the boot sector into the PC’s RAM, and hands off the startup process to that code. It’s this boot strapping process that allows the initial bits of the Windows code to start loading.

The boot sector can experience the same types of problems as any other part of your hard drive—missing files, corrupted files, and even physical damage. When the boot loader process fails, it will happen after you see the BIOS information but before Windows actually begins to load. You’ll usually see error messages like the following:

Error loading operating system
Missing operating system
Reboot and select proper boot device
Invalid partition table
Bootmgr is missing
FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted.

If you are seeing any of these messages, it means you won’t be able to start Windows and will have to use the Windows Recovery Environment to do your troubleshooting. We’re here to walk you through that.

This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops,and tablets running the Windows 10 operating system (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba,Lenovo, and Samsung).
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