Higher Education and Sustainable Development Goals: New Role for universities Post Covid 19 Era

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Higher Education and Sustainable Development Goals: New Role for universities Post Covid 19 Era

Prof. Allam Ahmed - PhD FCIM Chartered Marketer
President World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD) www.wasd.org.uk
Director Middle Eastern Knowledge Economy Institute (MEKEI) www.mekei.org
Founder International Diaspora Project (SK) www.sudanknowledge.org
Professor of Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development www.allamahmed.org

Today, more than ever before in human history, the wealth or poverty of nations depends on the quality of higher education. Revolutionary breakthroughs in the knowledge economy are leading to remarkable changes in the way forward-looking nations capacitate their graduates. In the post Covid 19 era of global skills and knowledge race, universities cannot fail to realise, accept and accomplish their natural and ascribed roles (also remotely) as a strategic agent for national development to achieve the United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

(1) What is the role of Higher Education institutions in supporting and enhancing the process of rebuilding the economy and achieve Agenda 2030 and SDGs?
(2) What is the new role(s) of universities in the post Covid-era?
(3) What are the major obstacles that HE institutions face and how can these obstacles best be overcome?
(4) Are there governmental/societal components to these? if so what?

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