Fifteen Powerful Goals to Set for 2021 new year, set up some personal goals for this year

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Fifteen Powerful Goals to Set for 2021 new year, set up some personal goals for this year.

2020 has been a wake-up year!

It forced everyone to realise just how fragile their livelihood is.

You know what they say:

First time is an accident, the second time is a choice!

That’s why today we’re helping you set up some personal goals for this year.

At the end of the year we’ll check the list and you’ll be amazed by what happens.

Sure, it will require you to be more organised, to plan things better, probably work a bit more, but the difference this jump in earnings will make in your life will be astounding.

Personally, 50% is our go to growth metric, when it comes to medium to big numbers.

Write down on your piece of paper how much money you made last year and what a 50% growth would look like. Write it down!

Now that you have your number, it’s up to you to break that down into what it will take specifically to get to it.

Clutter is slowing you down. You own too much.. you try and do too much..
and you’re not making any real progress. This needs to change.

When you’re poor you believe that if you have more stuff you are richer and it takes going through the entire journey for you to realise that you’ve had it backwards.

This is because you as an individual are very limited: you can’t be in two places at once and no matter how hard you work, you only have 24h in a day.

Learn to use leverage!

10 people in your team will grow those 24h into 240.

The only thing better than hiring people is automatizing repetitive tasks. As much as you’d like, nobody will work 24h every day.. but software will, bots will.. and this is the age we’re living in.

Learning a new skill. No matter how old you are, you should never stop learning a new skill. ...
Re-evaluating your life.
1. Showing up early
You can make it one of your goals to try showing up for work early on a regular basis. I like to think the earlier we get started with our work, the more productive we can be throughout the day.

As you do that, observe how much you get done in your day. You might find these early starts help you to accomplish a lot more than you thought you could.

2. Speaking up at meetings
Making this one of your goals can potentially open up opportunities for you. If you work in an office setting and there are regular group meetings, try seeing if you can contribute some insight occasionally.

You never know if the insights you provide could impress the management enough to give you a promotion.

Even if that doesn’t happen, you can use it as a way to increase your self-confidence through choosing to be comfortable speaking your thoughts out loud to your colleagues.

3. Volunteering for leadership roles
If you’re like me, you’re one of the people that never offered to volunteer for leadership roles. It can be somewhat of a scary thing to put yourself in that position of being in charge of something.

It gives you a chance to practice taking command of situations.

You develop your decision-making abilities by being the one that has to make those final decisions. You can learn to trust what you conclude is best for a situation and become comfortable directing people in a way you see is best.

Growing these types of skills can be good preparation if you should ever decide to run your own business or start some kind of group you want to lead.

4. Putting in extra effort
There are workers who show up right when it’s time to work, and then leave as soon it’s there to time clock out.

5. Managing your time
Time management is a particularly good work goal if you’ve found yourself working from home lately. Be more mindful of avoiding distractions when it’s time to get things done.

Set blocks of time where you’ll focus on your scheduled tasks and not look at any social media or other non-work related material.

Being more diligent with your time will help your job done more efficiently, and perhaps impress your boss enough to promote you eventually.

6. Being a team player
Most job are going to require you to work with others. Developing your ability to be a team player will help you be more likely to succeed.

Offer your colleagues assistance with their work from time to time. In return, they’ll likely give you assistance with your work in the future.

Try to also establish friendly relationships with your colleagues as well. People are more likely to help out those they’re friendly with than those they don’t have any relationship with at all.

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