Germany: 13,000 chairs set up in Berlin as demand to evacuate Moria camp due to COVID-19

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Activists set up 13,000 chairs in front of the German Parliament in a symbolic action demanding the evacuation of the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos due to its first confirmed COVID-19 cases, Berlin, Monday.

The action, which was supported by such organisations as the Sea Watch, Seebrucke and No One Left Behind, intended to draw attention to the overcrowded facility, prompting the German government to help solve the issue.

At least 17 confirmed COVID cases were registered last week which led the Greek authorities to place the Moria camp under a 14-day quarantine.


SOT, Activist (German): "Thirteen-thousand chairs stand here today, for each person in Moria, who long ago should have been evacuated. Several days ago the first corona case was diagnosed in Moria. Now, a couple of days later this has increased. We request the federal government to evacuate the Greek camp right now. The federal government, which brags about solidarity, must finally follow words with actions. It’s time that people from Moria can seek protection here in Germany. When we look here outside the government building, we see 13,000 chairs on which 13,000 people could sit. And it is clear that Germany has space."

 Video ID: 20200908-001

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