Garmin Montana 700 series - Satellite Network Acquisition Time Test (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO)

153 Aufrufe
This is a follow up video from my Satellite Page demo where some wanted to watch in real-time how long it took the garmin montana 700 series to acquire GLONASS or Galileo gps satellite networks signals on your device. By default we have the American GPS satellite network enabled, but depending on your model of Montana 700 series, you may have some options.

Here on my Garmin 700, I have GPS (American Network), GPS + GLONASS (Russia) or GPS + GALILEO (Europe).

SO basically I did a real time test using the satellite page on the montana gps dévie to see how long it would take to acquire 5-7 satellite signals in order to get the best satellite accuracy possible.

In my area, I don’t have a need to use other networks since I am based in North America but depending where you are you may want the extra coverage. Bare in mind that receiving multiple GPS satellite networks may affect battery life.

0:00 intro
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