We can! Community Sterilisation Campaign (a Snippet video)

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A visit to an active sterilisation operation in Triolet. It is part of the monthly campaign to get all the dogs and cats sterilised in Mauritius. The day was full of great people doing good things for the community, and some very nervous-looking dogs, well, one little puppy had the best day of her life.

I chatted to some of the people and it seemed to me that the message is to get sterilising, if we want to help with the stray dogs and cats that seem to be all over the island.

The in-place sterilisation program and the community campaigns are all working very hard towards this goal. The day was run by Community Sterilisation Campaign with the help of the great people at All Lives Matter.

They all need our help in this so I have left the links below so you can get more information and help out where you can, be it collecting strays in your area or throwing tons of money their way.

The page for Community Sterilisation Campaign:

The page for All Lives Matter:

The page for Bruiser & Co.

I think we all can or as their poster says: We can!

webpage: https://bryandiscoversworld.com/

We are saving up to get a drone, so we can show you more from the places we visit. Help the cause by buying a coffee. You can also get a free copy of Riki's art of the day here:

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