Tutorial All Karo host Offline from Android device without internet for 755 & 702 & 672 & 505

178 Aufrufe
Tutorial All Karo host Offline from Android device without internet for 755 & 702 & 672 & 505
download link file APK for Android:

on Android device:
1-Download apk file and install on your Android device (dont run after install)
2-Turn off internet on your device and turn on hotspot without internet.
3-Run the xPloitServer installed and wait for unpacking.
4- hit start server and pay attention to the IP and Port created.

on PS4
1-connect your ps4 to Android hotspot with Custom config in wifi.
2-go to ps4 browser and clear cache and cookies
3-write address server (created on Android device) in ps4 browser and go.
4-when hosts appeared hit on your fw host for caching.
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