The Miracle Morning Audiobook The Not So Obvious Secret Hal Elrod Full

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Miracle Morning Audiobook The not so obvious secret guaranteed to transform your life before fre 8 AM Hal Elrod Full Audiobook.
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Miracle morning full audiobook
The Miracle Morning ( audiobook )is one of the most widely regarded life changing books of all time. Authored by Hal Elrod, this book provides a simple approach for taking control of your life and achieving everything you have ever wanted to quicker and more effectively. Elrod shares the best practices used by humans for over a century by just looking at your daily morning ritual. Here is a look at some of the best quotes from ‘ The Miracle Morning ’ to help get your motivated.

“Always remember that when you are committed to a life purpose that is bigger than your problems, your problems become relatively insignificant and you will overcome them with ease.”
“Considering that our habits create our life, there is arguably no single skill that is more important for you to learn and master than controlling your habits. You must identify, implement, and maintain the habits necessary for creating the results you want in your life, while learning how to let go of any negative habits which are holding you back from achieving your true potential.”
“Discipline creates lifestyle.”
“For too many people, the extraordinary, fulfilling abundant life that they really want—our Level 10 life—eludes them because they’re so overwhelmed and overrun with their day-to-day life situation.”
“I am doing the best that I can in this moment, and at the same time, I can and will do better.”
“If we’re talking about brain performance, the best predictor of brain speed is aerobic capacity—how well you can run up a hill is very strongly correlated with brain speed and cognitive shifting ability.”
“Is there a difference between average and mediocre?”
“It’s been said that the first hour is the rudder of the day. If I’m lazy or haphazard in my actions during the first hour after I wake up, I tend to have a fairly lazy and unfocused day. But if I strive to make that first hour optimally productive, the rest of the day tends to follow suit.”
“Love the life you have while you create the life of your dreams. Don’t think you have to choose one over the other.”
“Hal Elrod is a genius and his book The Miracle Morning has been magical in my life. What Hal has done is taken the best practices, developed over centuries of human consciousness development, and condensed the 'best of the best' into a daily morning ritual. A ritual that is now part of my day.”
—Robert Kiyosaki, bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad

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Voici la version anglaise du livre de Hal Elrod: The Miracle Morning Audiobook The not so obvious secret guaranteed to transform your life before fre 8 AM (LE secret pas si évident qui garantit de transformer votre vie avant 8h du matin)
La version française est disponible sur la chaine, n'hésitez pas à aller voir dans les playlist
Pour acheter le livre:

0:00 Foreword, Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 2
01:09:11 Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
02:12:54 Chapter 6: The Life S.A.V.E.R.S.
03:41:00 Chapter 7, 8, 9, 10 and conclusion
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