Solus 4.2 Budgie Review

144 Aufrufe
Solus 4.2 is a beautiful Linux distro with a first class set of utilities to manage the look and feel, helping you to get it just the way you like. Its a modern OS which has the ability to handle the latest hardware from AMD, Intel and Nvidia.

Intro: 00:16
Install: 06:14
Review: 09:32

In the course of working on the Solus review lynis reported an error. The root account did not have a password, so I submitted a bug report to the Solus Dev Team and they are working on a possible fix. Until this fix comes out, you may want to manually edit your /etc/shadow file and place a '!' in the password field. This will prevent any other application which reads the /etc/shadow from inadvertently granting root privileges.

Some discussion below on how the /etc/shadow file works.

The problem as I see it is an empty password field in /etc/shadow is interpreted as the user may login without having to authenticate, the shadow man pages goes on to say "However, some applications which read the /etc/shadow file may decide not to permit any access at all if the password field is empty".

There are two methods that /etc/shadow can use to block a login from an account with no password, it may use a "*" or a "!",

An exclamation mark is used to lock the account while a "*" is used to prevent a user from using a password to login. This is documented in the shadow (5) man page.

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Werq by Kevin MacLeod

Industrial Cinematic by Kevin MacLeod

Music Used in this video
"NonStop" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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