Sailing the Caribbean ⛵ The treacherous Tropics 2020

201 Aufrufe
How it feels when furious squalls tear the sails apart or what it's like to be sailing the Caribbean Islands in the summer time? That and much more is, what we show you in our latest episode. We have not been that active in the last weeks and didn't have much opportunity to sail or produce content worthy videos because of the Corona pandemic. Now that we are approaching the peak of the hurricane season, it is a good time to move the boat south and give Bamba Maru some much needed maintenance. We filled our bags with rich memories, provisions and tons of gifts from friends in Dominica and finally cast off the lines. It was a beautiful sailing trip, but it took it's toll. Two tropical squalls beat us badly and we got shredded sails by attempting to sail the storm. Sailing in bad weather is usualy not a problem, but tropical squalls are not necessarily called bad weather. We are not the kind of sailing vlog that educates about storm tactics, but we may be able to transport the feeling, what island sailing and boatlife is all about. Liveaboard a catamaran is the most comfortable way to sailing the Caribbean. One just has to care a bit more for weather. The main sail was torn first and just a couple hours later, the headsail or Yankee ripped apart. Unfortunately our main sail and the headsail were shredded to pieces that much that we were not able to fix it offshore. Limping but happy, we arrived in Carriacou on the rest of the remaining canvas. Relaxation was out of the question as hurricane Gonzalo had formed in the meantime and it's path was heading straight for Carriacou with no time left for us to escape.

After a long pause, here we present you a brand new sailing adventure in the Caribbean.
We are sailing from Dominica, along Martinique, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines down to Carriacou just north of Grenada.
This episode is filled to the brim with everything a sailors life has to offer. We met a large family of sperm whales that waved goodbye to us with their fins. We test fishing techniques, dance through big Atlantic waves and navigate our way with the help of a sextate from the Russian army.

Soundtrack Credits:
TruShatta - Nuh Ordinary

TruShatta - We run where we From

TRow - Acoustic arrangement

Jason Shaw - Running Waters

Jason Shaw - Serenity

Oscar Louis - Hell of a Ride

#Sailing #SailingAdventure #boatlife #Caribbean #liveaboard
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