Rezension: NYK1 Nail Bond Super Strong Nagelspitzen Haftvermittler Kleber Professionelle Salon-...

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#ad Starten Sie jetzt Ihre Amazon Prime GRATIS Probemitgliedschaft: - NYK1 Nail Bond Super Strong Nagelspitzen Haftvermittler Kleber Professionelle Salon-Qualität – Perfekt für kunstnägel, fal...

Dies sind echte Bewertungen zu NYK1 Nail Bond Super Strong Nagelspitzen Haftvermittler Kleber Professionelle Salon-Qualität – Perfekt für kunstnägel, fal... von Kunden, die dieses Produkt gekauft haben und ihre Erfahrungen teilen, damit Sie die beste Kaufentscheidung treffen können. Great nail glue!!
Very strong glue. Comes with a brush like tip for easy placing with nails. Very strong scent as well.
I wanted the look of acrylic without acrylic. With quarantine, press ons seemed like a good investment. THIS GLUE IS GREAT. I’ve taken out the trash bussed down an entire seafood boil and my nails didn’t budge.
It’s been 1 week and the only reason I’m taking them off is because I’m excited to change the design.
awesome stayed home for a long time
Great product, works really well!
There is nail glue... then there is NAIIILLL GLUEEE. This stuff is magic. I have never ever been able to wear diy fake nails for an entire week without them falling off!! Ahhhh so highly recommend
i put three on removal because i haven’t had to take them off yet but i used this glue for my tips about 5 days now and i haven’t had any problem of lifting or breaking i also used this glue for the rhinestones i put on my nails and they are STUCK!
i really love this nail bond
Okay so to start off, I used this the first time with press ons and my natural nails were sort of long and basically that same day some popped off.
If you want this glue to work its magic make sure your natural nails are short, file the shine of your nails, and apply glue on your nail not on the press on, because then they won’t be flimsy.
It’s been around 5 days and nothing has been messed up at all. They look the same. I’ve banged them across a lot of things while doing house work and they’re still going strong.
This glue is so much stronger and I recommend using it instead of the store bought ones or the ones that come with the press on nails.
I Iove the product, easy to apply. Great results!
Product came on the 5th of the month, I applied nails on the 6th, and the first nail popped off on the 9th. It didn’t hurt and I wasn’t surprised because 1) my standards for nail glue is unfortunately low and 2) I wash my hands a lot.
I do have to say I love how easy it is to use this glue and the brush makes it even easier. So yes the nail didn’t stay on long (and I feel another loose one) but for the price it’s a good product.
Love this product. It makes my press nails for about 2 weeks!
This was the VERY FIRST TIME that I have used nail tips (I am over 50 years of age). I usually get professional manicures every three weeks, however due to the stay-at-home mandates due caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, I havent been able to.
I normally have extremely healthy, long, and strong nails, however, they really have taken a beating during this unprecedented time. I have been forced to cover my nails and protect them so they can grow past the brittleness and splitting.
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