
Repair Windows 8 Master Boot Record (MBR) without a Windows CD

370 Aufrufe
Repair Master Boot Record (MBR) in Windows One of the effective troubleshooting steps, to fix boot issues is to repair Master Boot Record, or MBR. One of the common reasons why an MBR can get corrupted is due to malware infections. Improper shutdowns can also lead to MBR corruption. Sometime we may find issues where Linux Grub is installed and Windows is not able to detect it. On some occassions, you may get the Bootmgr is missing error. In such cases you can run the rebuild or repair MBR to fix these issues.|

Boot the computer up restart the system a few times into you get automatic repair too load then follow the video get into to the command prompt and put in bootrec.exe /fixmbr and reboot the computer and see if you can get into the desktop
Windows Reparieren
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