Python, Anaconda, Google Earth Engine & geemap | burdGIS

170 Aufrufe
This video looks at using virtual environments in Anaconda. We start by looking at a problem found in an earlier video where I cherry picked a script from the amazing python package, geemap, created by @Qiusheng Wu. Check out the repo here:

Cherry picking scripts isn't a good idea so here I'll walk through the install of #geemap using conda and mamba. We'll also install #Jupyter and download one of the example notebooks to make a gif using #Landsat imagery. The video got quite long so I by no means go into detail on the example notebooks. It's also chaptered for your navigating pleasure. Do take the time to check out the geemap repo and the examples there. You won't regret it.

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00:00 start
01:15 troubleshooting
06:12 virtual environments
09:00 create a virtual env with anaconda
10:20 installing geemap
13:25 installing Jupyter
14:37 create a new kernel from a virtual environment
16:14 make a timelapse gif from landsat imagery

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