Positive Affirmations with Bible Verses - M & L Hypnosis Meditation & Music For The Mind And Soul

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#selfhelp #hypnosis #music #meditation #GuidedMeditation
Positive Affirmations with Bible Verses - M & L Hypnosis Meditation & Music For The Mind And Soul
MIND CALMING MUSIC Stress Relief & Nerve Regeneration - Brain Wave Therapy Music

Remember, you need to either say or listen to these positive self-talk statements daily (minimum twice per day) for a period of 30 days in order for these affirmations to override your existing programming in your subconscious mind.

A subconscious journey into sleep and deep relaxation.
Guided Mindfulness Meditation on Controlling Negative Thoughts
This meditation, and also a form of light trance or focused hypnosis.
Regular meditation has been scientifically proven to enhance relaxation, overall health and wellbeing. Meditation and hypnosis are safe and natural.
A higher level of consciousness and awareness can be realised when we are able to alleviate our minds and listen to our profound truth. You may find the solutions to many current personal problems and issues if you simply take the time to ask your inner self for a new direction.

Translated titles:
Afirmaciones positivas con versículos bíblicos: meditación y música para la hipnosis M&L para la

Positive Affirmationen mit Bibelversen-M & L Hypnose Meditation & Musik für Geist und Seele

Affirmations positives avec des versets bibliques-M & L Hypnosis Meditation & Music For The Mind And

Afirmações positivas com versículos da Bíblia-Meditação e música para hipnose de M&L para a m

التأكيدات الإيجابية مع آيات الكتاب المقدس-M & L التنويم


Positive bekræftelser med bibelvers-M & L-hypnose-meditation og musik til sindet og sjælen

Affermazioni positive con versetti della Bibbia-M & L Ipnosi Meditazione e musica per la mente e l'a

Positive bekreftelser med bibelvers-M & L Hypnosemeditasjon og musikk for sinnet og sjelen

Positiva bekräftelser med Bibelvers-M & L Hypnosmeditation och musik för sinnet och själen
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