
MacBook Speicher Erweitern | Storage Upgrade mit Transcend Jetdrive | Tutorial/Anleitung | E.T.

356 Aufrufe
Hey Guys,
Here is an unboxing and full installation video about the transcend Jetdrive 855 on how to upgrade your macbook storage. No matter what macbook you have, this video is going to help you to upgrade your storage.

Dieses Video ist ein Unboxing Video und gleichzeitig ein Installations-Guide für die Transcend Jetdrive 855 oder jede andere SSD, die ihr zum upgraden eures MacBooks verwenden wollt. Dieses Video wird euch helfen, wenn ihr den internen Mac Speicher erweitern wollt und wird euch Schritt für Schritt bei diesem Prozess begleiten.

► Join the E.T. squad: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKXFsNm6lkuOpWjEtTAKxbg/featured

*Transcend Jetdrive 855 480GB: https://amzn.to/2IGbypt
*Transcend Jetdrive 855 960GB: https://amzn.to/35uIFq6
*Transcend Jetdrive 850 960GB:https://amzn.to/33olgES (wie 855 nur ohne Gehäuse)

Falls man es mit einer SSD von Samsung machen möchte, braucht man noch einen Adapter:
*Sintech SSD Adapter Long: https://amzn.to/2oyWfYK
*Sintech SSD Adapter Short: https://amzn.to/2OCoCzJ
*Samsung SSD 970 Evo 1TB: https://amzn.to/2B2l7L3
*Samsung SSD 970 Evo 500GB: https://amzn.to/2IEwAV9
*Samsung SSD 970 Evo 2TB: https://amzn.to/2q168i5

Mein MacBook Air, Anfang 2015, für nur 899€: https://amzn.to/35pHNmr
Das neue MacBook Pro mit 256GB: https://amzn.to/2ODX5xZ

* SuperDuper! von Chip downloaden: https://www.chip.de/downloads/SuperDuper_73535276.html
* Video zu Bootable USB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NU6yatTvyyk
* Bootable USB Apple Website: https://support.apple.com/de-de/HT201372
on Monviando:
► Music: Niklas Drude - Korobeiniki (aka Tetris Theme)
► Music: Niklas Drude - Lonesome at Dusk
► Music: Niklas Drude - Relaxed Dreaming
► Music: Niklas Drude - The Magic of Light
► Music: Niklas Drude - Dear Old Puppet
► Website: https://monviando.wordpress.com/music/

Hey guys, it’s me E.T. I’m back again…
I’m just one of Germany’s 11.000.000 students living one of his passions by creating and sharing content on Youtube. My intention is not to create a certain amount of views…even though if I think about it, many views aren’t that bad :) My intention is to share what I love with you guys and let you be part of something bigger than all of us… the passion for life. If you want to be part of this awesome family, feel free to join the ExtraTerrestrial-team…

I upload videos in English, German and maybe Spanish in the future. I do Lifehacks, Hacks & Cheats, Quadcopter, Unboxings, Reviews, and more other world stuff…

If you still haven’t noticed it, E.T. means Extraterrestrial. The name E.T. became very popular and famous through Steven Spielberg’s identically named movie. It is a real classic and a must watch!!!

Still reading this? Comment: „Phone home“!!!

#Extraterrestrial #Transcend #MacBook #UpgradeStorage

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