Lockdown Revival - Our War

229 Aufrufe


Hi Leute,

lange Zeit war es ruhig hier.
Das hatte auch einen Grund und soll sich nun ändern.
Während des Corona Lockdowns habe ich mich mit
einem Kumpel zusammengerauft und ein komplettes Album
für euch gezaubert.
Wir sind sehr stolz auf das Ergebnis und hoffen ihr habt
daran genauso viel Spaß wie wir bei der Produktion hatten,
welche natürlich Lockdown-üblich komplett remote erfolgte.

Wenn ihr das Projekt unterstützen wollt dann sind wir für jede Hilfe sehr dankbar.
Ihr könnt die komplette Platte natürlich auf allen bekannten
Streaming-Plattformen streamen und kaufen.
Hier der Link dazu:


Es wird in Kürze eine limitierte Digipack Ausgabe des Album geben.
Nähere Infos folgen.

Viel Spaß und bleibt gesund


Hi everyone,

For a long time it was quiet around here.
But this was for a reason and is about to change.
During the Corona Lockdown I teamed up
with a good friend of mine and we recorded an entire album for you guys.
We are both very proud of the result and we hope, that
you will enjoy listening to this as much as we enjoyed the recording process.
In true lockdown manner the recordings happened completely remote.

In case you want to support this project we are more than grateful for any help.
The entire album is available on all common streaming services for streaming and for purchase.
Just use the following multi-link:


Also we’re planning to release a limited digipack CD edition later on.
More on that topic soon.

Have fun and stay safe

Lyrics&Vocals by Tim Noack
Instrumental by Philipp Zander
Recorded, Mixed and Mastered at SickAzzTonez
Artwork by aleh_90
Distributed by Distrokid
All rights reserved © 2020 SickAzzTonez



Waking up in paradise
You take me high, I take you low
A meeting of a different pace

Hoping, trusting
Change will end the suffering
Waiting, praying
Ever to delay the worst

Offending, and defending
It’s the call of a world that’s ending

We lost our dream, we lost our war
The fall of angels singing
Tonight I dream a little more
For the love you’re bringing

And all the love that never came
Has caused the world to rearrange

Lead and control this
Heaven for the soulless
Fake and deceiving
History repeating now

Ascending, and descending
It’s the call of a world that’s ending

We lost our dream, we lost our war
The fall of angels singing
Tonight I dream a little more
For the love you’re bringing

Let the heavens burn
Rage intensified

Black mirrors show the truth
Society unites
Appalling leaders soon avert the eyes
When riots fill the streets
And smoke has filled the sky
Just play this song one final time

Devoid of understanding
It’s the call of a world that’s ending

We lost our dream, we lost our war
The fall of angels singing
Tonight I dream a little more
For the love you’re bringing
Bring the love
Bring the love


Full Album:
01. Lockdown
02. Wake Me Up
03. The Call
04. Wrong
05. Golden Era
06. Overdrive
07. Our War
08. C. H. D.
09. Inside
10. Home
11. Lighters
12. All I´ve Got
13. New Blood
14. Fate
15. Revival
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