local probings of Greenpoint, NY - Yandex + AutoZone-

167 Aufrufe
I decided to ride out and explore the local scenes that i have not visited in a minute and a quarter. things looked good and calm - this is alright. this weird little area under the koziusko bridge is something else. so grand and large and wide open - the kind of place i like to see and be. heck, i might take a walk there today - its about a 15-20 minute jolt. beyond that - the weekend has been fantastic - super accomplished and progressive. lots of food, but also lots of silliness and such. consuming a bit too much and need to lay back. but this is also ok. gotta reset this week and get affairs in order. does any of this make sense? no? good good. that's good. anyway, thank you all for the love, comments, and all other stuff. i hope everyone has a good monday and week and rides as safe as you can. also, if you read this far you absolutely MUST say "raggy sack" in the comments - if you knew whats good for you.

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