Klein fields - innovative world debut - finally help for many diseases? | Bernhard Klein |

229 Aufrufe
The scientific findings and studies in relation to the Klein fields (in German: Kleinsche Felder) allow the conclusion that a new healing therapy is possible, which not only strengthens the self-healing powers of the body, but also optimises the immune system. The certified medical device manufacturer of these fields, who developed the world's first medical devices with these results, shows in this program how the blood circulation improves and leads to more cell energy - and thus leads to health improvement after just a few hours. All of this has been well documented with laboratory studies that a revolution in medicine can be expected from it.

Guest: Bernhard Klein, Inventor
Moderation: Alexander Glogg
Video ID: 38/NBas_200706-S1_klein
TV format: #NaturalMEDICINE
Aired: 17 July 2020

Bernhard Klein
Hermann-Helms-Str. 15
28279 Bremen
Web: https://biorelax.net​
Webinar: https://medizinwissen-online.de​

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