Jackelén: Nature, Science and Religion in the Mirror of the Corona Crisis

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The archbishop of Sweden, Dr. Antje Jackelén, talked about the virus, virologists, the reaction of the church in Sweden, and about religious resources to give hope in times of crisis.

00:01:07 The empirical findings of the virologists and the reactions
Die empirischen Befunde der Virologen und die Reaktionen
00:07:41 The "special path" of Sweden and the discussion about human dignity
Der schwedische Sonderweg und die Diskussion über die Menschenwürde
0:12:44 Praying away Corona? Religious skills for coping with the pandemic
Corona wegbeten? Religiöse Hilfen zur Bewältigung der Pandemie
0:20:15 Viruses and a loving and caring God
Viren und der liebende und sorgende Gott
0:24:33 From the Corona crisis to the ecological crisis
Von der Coronakrise zur Umweltkrise

This interview conducted by Dr. Heinz-Hermann Peitz, June 2020, is part of a virtual world trip about the same topic.
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