How to Install VMs in Parallels Desktop 16.5 on M1 Mac

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Parallels Desktop 16.5 for Mac features full native support for Mac computers equipped with either Apple M1 or Intel chips. Experience Windows 10 ARM Insider Preview and its applications on Apple M1 Mac computers (1). The M1 chip’s superior performance delivers the world’s fastest integrated graphics in a personal computer, revolutionary power efficiency, and was designed to work with macOS Big Sur3—which Parallels Desktop 16.5 transforms into a new standard for a seamless Windows-on-Mac experience. It also delivers M1 support for the most popular ARM-based Linux distributions.

(1) Running VMs on Apple M1 Mac computers in Parallels Desktop 16.5 requires ARM-based operating systems (OSs). Customers who install
guest operating systems in Parallels Desktop virtual machines are responsible for making sure that they are compliant with each OSs’ enduser
licensing agreement (EULA).
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