how to install virtualbox on windows 10

153 Aufrufe
I am here Today i m going to start - a course "Linux for Beginners 2021".I am giving you a series of video lectures in this course.This is third video of our series.
“Linux for Beginners 2021”
Virtual Box : download and install
Hello! I am Amrinder Singh
You can find me at Youtube:
In this videeo, we are talking about:-
What is Virtual Box.
How to Download.
Install Virtual Box along with Extension.

What is a Virtual Box

Virtual Box is freely available, Open source software solution. Runs on Windows, Linux, macOS and Solaris operating system. Virtual Box allows us to run multiple operating system on our host operating system on our host operating. It supports both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of operating system . It is a very simple and also very powerful software.

Just go ahead and Install

Here so i want make a particular hands on demonstration in Windows two particular resons:-
One is i like a show you that the host is not criticaly important while perparing the lab.
Second is students using Windows is a host system to feel comfortable during the course.
Open your favourit web browser
type virtul box in address bar
you see the offical web site of the virtualBox is, first one on the result page so the virtual Box .org is the offical site so go on and click on it
there is a download button , click on it to see download options.
here is a some options to make a hosts. host is a main operating system installed on the computer. we are having Windows 10 installed in the system so we have to download Windows hosts.
downloading is started
wait to complete downloading
next start the installation steps
open your downloads folder and find the Virtual Box installer file
launch the setup by double click on installer
Click "Next" to continue
you will see custom setup dialog box
there is not much to choose from it . you can accept the default and click next
if you wish to change the installation directory, you can change it by clicking on the browse button and selecting the new directory and clicking ok.
Next is you will see custom install dialog box

In the dialog box you can choose which features to install. As you see there is not much to choose you can accept the default and click next.
you will see network interface setup dialog box.
this interface warns you about a setting up a network interface , What this means that virtual box will install network interfaces that will interact with the installed virtual machines and host operating sysytem which our case is windows 10. This will temporarily disconnect you from the internet but that is okay, nothing to worry. Click on yes.
you will see ready to install dialog box. Click on install
After clicking on it installation begins and you will see user access control confirmation dialog box from windows. Click yes to continue
you will see that he installation process will begin. Wait for installation to complete.
you will see installation complete dialog box. Click on finish. If you have to start oracle virtual box after installation checked, virtual box will launch automatically.
If u uncheck it you will have to launch virtual box manually. Its not a big deal anyways click finish to exit installation.
How to launch virtual box application
Your newly installed virtual box is ready to go you can search fro virtual box in windows search in taskbar
You will see the virtual box icon on top click that to open virtual box.
How to install virtual box extension pack
After the installation of virtual box is completed please install virtual box extension pack will enable support for usb2.0 and usb3.0 devices, virtual box RDP, disk encryption and etc.
Virtual box extension pack will be downloaded from the same page we downloaded the virtual box installer. Look for extension pack on the page click in the all supported platforms, to start download process, when download completes again go to downloads folder find and double click on extension pack installer file.
You will see installation complete message click on ok to exit.
Congratulations, you are done
In the next video we will learn "installing KALI LINUX in virtual box"
Thanks for watching see you again.
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PC (Windows/Mac/Linux) Anleitungen
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