How to Install Qiime2 in Windows 10 ??

122 Aufrufe
This video is about how to install the QIIME 2 metagenomic analysis software in windows 10 using windows subsystem for Linux option.

List of steps with commands used for the installation process
Step 1: Turn on the windows subsystem for Linux option by searching windows features in the start option and scroll down and search for "windows subsystem for Linux" and enable the option.

Step 2: Go the Microsoft Store and Download the Ubuntu 20.04 Software package and install it.

Step 3: Once installed update the ubuntu system using "sudo apt-get update" and upgrade the system using "sudo apt-get upgrade" command.

Step 4: After updating the ubuntu package download the latest version of the anaconda software package using "curl -o".

Step 5: Install the downloaded package using "bash".

Step 6: After installing create the conda environment using the "conda create --name my_env python=3" .

Step 7: Then activate the created conda environment using "conda activate my_env".

Step 8: Now we can download the QIIME 2 software package using "wget" command.

Step 9: Now lets create the QIIME 2 environment using "conda env create -n qiime2-2020.11 --file qiime2-2020.11-py36-linux-conda.yml".

Step 10: Finally activate the QIIME2 environment using "conda activate qiime2-2020.11".

Step 11: confirm the installed QIIME 2 software by “qiime info” command.
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