How To Get Bass Boosted/Crisp Audio In Fortnite!

199 Aufrufe
In this video I am going to be explaining how to adjust your audio properly. Many of you guys have wanted me to make a video on the topic so I have decided to make an in depth guide, because for a competitive advantage. So be sure to pay attention and get out a piece of paper and a pen if you forget things easily. Before this video starts for those of you guys who do not know I stream on my twitch channel every Saturday and Sunday please head on over there and check it out there is a link in the description. I also have a discord server that you guys should feel free to join if you want to join a friendly community. Anyways I am going to be going over some very specific techniques and strategies to adjust game audio that all competitive players should understand. Be sure to stick around till the end of the video so that you guys do not miss any important information, and also consider using code SonataFN in the fortnite item shop #AD. And if you do stay until the end, feel free to leave a comment letting me know. Hope this helps you guys out!

As always if you guys did enjoy be sure to smash that like button and sub to the channel. If you want to support me the best way is to use code SonataFN in the fortnite item shop #AD. My goal is to make you guys get better at fortnite, and if I help you please let me know in the comments or on my twitter. Anyways thanks you all for watching my videos!

Intro (0:00)
What Pros Do To Their Audio? (0:42)
Why Should You Change Audio Settings? (1:54)
Before vs. After (3:05)
Driver Updates (3:32)
Bass Boost Settings (4:40)
Outro (5:57)

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