How to Fix NET Framework 3.5 Error 0x800f0950 in Windows 11 or Windows 10

166 Aufrufe
If your net framework 3.5 is not installed in Windows 11 or Windows 10 or any other Windows operating system then we can easily fix this issue in this video. For this purpose we need Windows 10 or Windows in 11 bootable CD or bootable pen drive. If you do not have a bootable CD or pen drive, we can easily go to the Windows Microsoft website and download and create Windows 11 or Windows 10 bootable pen drives. Just copy following lines to notepad and save as netfx.cmd filename . and run as administrator and it automatically installs net framework 3.5 on your Windows 11 operating system.

Just copy these lines in notepad

@echo off
Title .NET Framework 3.5 Offline Installer
for %%I in (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist "%%I:\\sources\install.wim" set setupdrv=%%I
if defined setupdrv (
echo Found drive %setupdrv%
echo Installing .NET Framework 3.5...
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:%setupdrv%:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess
echo .NET Framework 3.5 should be installed
) else (
echo No installation media found!
echo Insert DVD or USB flash drive and run this file once again.

0:00 - Intro
0:20 - download windows 11 or windows 10 iso file
1:34 - download and install Rufus
2:03 - create Windows 11 bootable pendrive by Rufus
2:37 - create a netflix.cmd file for installing .net framework
PC (Windows/Mac/Linux) Anleitungen
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