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Here are the 10 steps on how to copy all information from HHD to SSD using disk utility without any software.

You’ll need 3 things

Get S.A.T.A. 3.0 usb cable
Solid State Drive SSD (I have Samsung evo 860) Works wonders

Step One: Plug in Charger to MacBook. Do not want laptop dying while transferring information.

Step two: Insert S.A.T.A. Cable into your SSD. Then insert USB portion into MacBook.

Step 3: Once everything is connected, head to Launch pad then other for Disk Utility

Step 4: You’ll be formatting your SSD. Make sure your drive is formatted to the HHD you have in your computer now. Mine is Mac OS extended journaled and Encrypted. Name your new Drive and Erase it.

nothing in it

we will be restoring all the data from the HHD to SSD via Disk Utility

Step 5: Highlight New External Drive and press “restore from Mac HD”

notice it wont work. We have to unmount the drives from the computer virtually. disconnecting it

Step 6: Close everything out and shut computer down. And start in recovery mode

Step 7: Press power button, then press command and R and the same time.

Recovery Mode will pop up

Step 8: go to disk utility make sure to mount each drive again. Then highlight external hard drive. Then click restore. Then Restore from Macintosh HD

depending on how much information you have on your current hard drive, transferring to the SSD will take a while. For my mac, it took about 2 hours.

After its done cloning, you should see a green Icon.

To check to see if your information transferred and is working

Step 9: Click apple icon, then start up disk. Chose External hard drive

Your computer will be starting off your external hard drive. Please do not dis connect the SSD from your Laptop. Do not do this.

It may take a little longer due to usb connection.

Once it loads, you should see no difference. This is an exact clone with all files.

Step 10: Now Shut down your MacBook. and disconnect external drive.

Now You are now ready to install the New SSD into your MacBook.

Head over to my Youtube page for more how-to videos to help with upgrading your MacBook .

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I’m Art Turner, helping your dreams become tangible aspirations.

Samsung EVO 860 SSD:

- Upgrade macbook pro without software
- how to clone macbook pro hard drive to ssd without software
- copy macbook pro hard drive to ssd
- copy macbook hdd to ssd
Samsung Evo macbook pro
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