How to apply for a German university?

171 Aufrufe
In this video and the following ones in this playlist, we will be mainly talking about how to apply for a German university or a job position in Germany and basically everything that you need to know in order to successfully apply for either of those. We will be covering the following points:
1- How to apply directly for a German university
2- What is UniAssist and how to apply through UniAssist?
3- How to write a better CV?
4- How to have a better linkedIn profile?
5- How a dormitory lookalikes in Germany?
6- Is German language a must, when it comes to study in Germany?
7- How to apply for a Job Position in Germany?
8- How to have a successful interview?
9- What are the most important points when it comes to signing a job contract in Germany?
10- so many other important topics ;)

If you consider studying/ Working or starting you own business in Germany, don't hesitate to contact us:
Gesundheits Tipps
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