Full REFIT SAILBOAT - installing the radar and troubleshooting Lithium Batteries Se. 2 Ep. 34

232 Aufrufe
FULL REFIT SAILBOAT: we are almost done with our sailboat project - a full refit sailing yacht. But oh my, these Lithium Batteries & navigational instruments are quite a challenge, especially if you try to let it work with old systems. And not to mention our great fail with installing the radar lol. With writing this description, we will set sail next week - 1 year later than planned with our sailing yacht because of a refit sailing yacht. We really really can't wait to start sailing, but just 1,5 more vids of our sailboat project vlog. The refitting a beneteau 57 - and soon a sailing family vlog with our beneteau 57. For us the best beneteau for a sailing family. So follow us living on a boat with a kid while working on a boat. A true business couple sailing around the world, liveaboards and very very soon a sailing vlog. The last projects of the refit at the boat yard of our perfect sense.

Boat Yard: https://yachtworks.info/ if you mention us, they will definitely give you a proper Turkish welcome!

Hope you will enjoy this episode of our sailing family vlog.

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Love you guys! Thanks for watching & Feel the Breeze

Benjamin, Rianne & Gerben

Feel the Breeze family | a business coupe exploring the world with their kid | sailing family exploring the world


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