Fix Crashes & Stutters NOW with Nvidia Driver 526.61 in MW2

180 Aufrufe
If you're experiencing crashes, stutters, fps drops, color issues, hitching, freezing, or other poor performance, please install Nvidia GPU Driver Version 526.61. This hotfix solved them all for me!

Nvidia Driver Version 526.61 Download (Newest patch, updated 11/3/2022):

Step 1: Click on "Click here" link to download

Step 2: Go to this link:

Step 3: Click on "OFFICIAL DOWNLOAD HERE" link

Step 4: Extract the file / Open the file from downloads / Click "Yes to All"
( The file sometimes is bugged and you might need to scroll down and find "DDUv18.0.5.7" folder)

Step 5: Open "Display Driver Uninstaller.exe"

Step 6: Select device type "GPU"

Step 7: "Clean and Restart"
(Wait for your PC to restart)

Step 8: After your pc restarts, go to your downloads folder,

Locate and click on 526.61-desktop-notebook-win10-win11-64bit-international-dch.hf

Step 9: Then follow instructions to install BOTH Driver Version 526.61 and NVIDIA GeForce Experience

Make sure to Choose Express Installation

Once done installing, it will restart your PC.

Step 9: After your pc restarts, Run Nvidia GEFORCE and log in.
You can now verify that you’re on Driver Version 526.61

Step 10: right click on your desktop and click on Nvidia Control Panel.

You might need to click “show more options” for Nvidia control panel to show.

Step 11: In Nvidia control panel, navigate to the “Manage 3D settings” tab on the left, and set it to “Prefer Maximum Performance”

Step 12: Then go to “Adjust desktop color settings” tab on the left

And select your desired colors. Mine are at timestamp 7:56

Step 13: Launch Modern Warfare 2 and go settings, then display and scroll down to restart shader optimization.

Step 14: Click restart shader optimization, then quit and re-launch modern warfare 2.

Now you can set your graphics settings back to where you prefer. My graphics settings are here:

Special thank you to for the help! Please check him out for Camo grind work

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