Abrufbar ab Sonntag um 9: 45 Uhr: Evangelischer Gottesdienst am Sonntag "Jubilate", dem 25. April 2021 aus der ev.-luth. St. Marienkirchengemeinde in Gnoien in Mecklenburg. Die Mitwirkenden: Beate Kraekel (Orgel); Martina Wegner und Steffen Maeting (Sänger); Susanne und Fiete Lorenz (Lektoren); Hubert Schmidt (Küster); Dr. Mitchell Grell (Liturg und Prediger). Der Predigttext, der gleichzeitig die Epistel ist, ist aus der Apostelgeschichte 17 (Paulus' Rede auf dem Areopag in Athen).
Viewable beginning 2:45 a.m. (Central - Midwestern): Lutheran worship service (in German) for the Sunday "Jubilate", the 25th of April 2021 from the Ev.-Luth. St. Marien Parish in Gnoien in Mecklenburg in Germany. The participants: Beate Kraekel (organ); Martina Wegner and Steffen Maeting (solists); Susanne and Fiete Lorenz (lectors); Hubert Schmidt (custodian); Dr. Mitchell Grell (liturgist and preacher). The sermon text which is also the epistle is from Acts 17 (Paul's speach on the Areopag in Athens).
Viewable beginning 2:45 a.m. (Central - Midwestern): Lutheran worship service (in German) for the Sunday "Jubilate", the 25th of April 2021 from the Ev.-Luth. St. Marien Parish in Gnoien in Mecklenburg in Germany. The participants: Beate Kraekel (organ); Martina Wegner and Steffen Maeting (solists); Susanne and Fiete Lorenz (lectors); Hubert Schmidt (custodian); Dr. Mitchell Grell (liturgist and preacher). The sermon text which is also the epistle is from Acts 17 (Paul's speach on the Areopag in Athens).
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