Elite Dangerous Live BOUNTY MISSIONS

241 Aufrufe
Elite Dangerous Live Missions to make Money
time to do some conventional delivery and combat missions to gain some permits - mostly bounty hunting though - this corvette is the BOMB¬!

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About Elite Dangerous
Elite: Dangerous or Elite 4 is a space adventure, trading, and combat simulation video game developed and published by Frontier Developments played on PC, Mac and Xbox one and is the fourth release in the Elite video game series Piloting a spaceship, the player explores a realistic 1:1 scale open world galaxy based on the real Milky Way, with the gameplay being open-ended. The game is the first in the series to attempt to feature massively multiplayer gameplay, with players' actions affecting the narrative story of the game's persistent universe, while also retaining single player options. Elite Dangerous Odyssey is due in 2021 but the latter part of 2020 has seen Elite dangerous embrace community goals and more player involvement
#EliteDangerous #RicardosGaming
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