Download WorldBox - God Simulator PC + Full Game for Free [WORKING]

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Download WorldBox - God Simulator PC + Full Game for Free.

About the game:
WorldBox God Simulator PC was created in 2012 mainly for PC, although it later came out on android and ios. The game had so much diffusion that its creator this month decided to release his new version of the title, WorldBox – God Simulator. A title that arrives in scoop in EA version to Steam for € 19.99.

The mechanics of this WorldBox of god PC Download are simple, the game seeks to be a casual game of strategy not very deep. That said, we will find a box with 6 categories, the initial one will offer us the general options of our world, option to pause time, increase speed, see the statistics of our world, define laws -mechanics inherited from Crusaders King but much simpler- or the possibility of through a chronology see all the possible events of our world.

The second of these categories will be related to the layer of civilizations being able to take from diplomatic relations to observe the kingdoms, peoples and cultures. The system of cultures is simple, the npcs will learn and little by little they will get new particular and personal knowledge, the latter depend on the type of civilization, usually have five or six holes of expansion. There are more options but today they are not implemented.

The fourth category with 31 types is oriented to the generation of nature and natural disasters. We can change the temperature of a region, create tornadoes, lightning, biomes or even launch acid clouds. Something that has bothered me slightly is that if you let ai progress on its own and activate natural disasters on the law sheet, we will only find the occasional tornado, earthquake and lightning, a category that does not take much advantage of AI.

WorldBox – God Simulator Download for PC is not the ultimate god simulator for now because of its current shortcomings, but this early access has been a pleasant surprise for its destructive capacity, being one of the games that most exploits this feature. If something I am sure, it is that this title will entertain us for hours, in my opinion its price is somewhat excessive initially and has few achievements but it can be a game more than recommended within the genre.



1- Download WorldBox - God Simulator Full Game

2- Download WorldBox - God Simulator CPY Crack

3- Copy CPY Crack to game's folder

4- Play and Enjoy


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