DIY tanah liat - Bikin bunga dari tanah liat | How to make flowers out of Air Dry CLAY

136 Aufrufe
Halo , di video ini saya akan berbagi : DIY tanah liat - Bikin bunga dari tanah liat | How to make flowers out of Air Dry CLAY , ini proyek tanah liat untuk pemula , sangat mudah dam sederhana bisa kamu ikutin, kita bisa menggunakan sedotan minuman atau pensil, pulpen sebagai alat bantu
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Hello, in this video I would love to share: Clay DIY - How to make flowers out of Air Dry CLAY, this is a clay project for beginners, very easy and simple How to make flowers from CLAY
you can follow, we can use a drink straw or a pencil, a pen as a tool
Please watch until the end of the video, if you want to see my other new videos coming soon, please SUBSCRIBE yes so you don't miss the latest videos, thank you for watching and Happy CLAYING

You can find me : #juliamekarwati
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