Corona Hilfe in Lalibela, Juli 2020

200 Aufrufe
Dank eurer Spenden konnten wir erneut Nahrungsmittel an bedürftige Menschen in Lalibela verteilen und diesmal waren es 2.600Kg Mehl.

Geza, unser Mitarbeiter in Lalibela hat wieder hervorragende Arbeit geleistet, das Mehl preiswert über die Lalibela-Administration aus Addis Abeba besorgt und die Verteilung organisiert.

Geza schrieb: „The flower powder distribution was held inside the administration office compound. Surprisingly all of our needy were collected inside the compound of the administration office. All the people who were watching them were very exciting!! Even the mayor was very surprise! You know what he did say, how can you found and select the real poor! Because he knows most of our needy! Finally, he huge and give thank you to our project with very emotional manner!! He added keep going and by any means of question we are at the side of your honest and sensible project. All the blinds, the disables the elders, the orphans were collected. I even was very happy looking them all together! Most of them were knows each other and were very happy meeting together after long time and hugged each other! Looking this situation makes me to be proud of by our project!”

Vielen Dank für eure zahlreichen Spenden! Hilfe für die Ärmsten der Armen und Bedürftige ist gerade in den harten Zeiten von Corona absolut erforderlich.
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