CDI 1002CF3 Drive Computorq 3 Electronic Torque Wrench, 3/8-Inch

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CDI 1002CF3 Drive Computorq 3 Electronic Torque Wrench, 3/8-Inch Möchten Sie kostenlose Hörbücher lesen? Sie dann einfach auf: These CDI electronic torque wrenches are essentially Snap-On quality tools at a fraction of the price. Very easy to set-up (units and torque limit), with intuitive operation.
Strain-gauge wrenches have excellent long-term stability. The 1/4" model is larger than many traditional torque wrenches, and may present issues in tight quarters.
The molded case is the same size as the 3/8" wrench. Uses two (2) CR123 lithium cells, which should last for 80 hours of continuous use.
The tool itself is well built. It is accurate, and easy to use. I purchased it to do work on my car, for items... Wer möchte nicht ein gesünderes und glücklicheres Leben führen? Alles was Sie tun müssen, ist hier zu klicken ::

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