$1 Patrons get extra vids a week!: https://www.patreon.com/dankpods
I’m on Twitter now: https://twitter.com/PodsDank
Frank the snake: https://www.instagram.com/_dankmus_/?...
Join us in the iPod discord, lots of pros in there: https://discord.gg/qmmnHpe
Where do I buy my iPod parts? Why this amazing store right here, "Elite Obsolete": https://www.ebay.com/str/imapc941
I’m on Twitter now: https://twitter.com/PodsDank
Frank the snake: https://www.instagram.com/_dankmus_/?...
Join us in the iPod discord, lots of pros in there: https://discord.gg/qmmnHpe
Where do I buy my iPod parts? Why this amazing store right here, "Elite Obsolete": https://www.ebay.com/str/imapc941
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