Aspen AI Week '20 -Day 4- "The German Council Presidency and Europe’s Quest for Digital Sovereignty"

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The Aspen Institute Germany held its third annual AI Conference #AspenAI20 over the course of one week from December 7-11, 2020. During the Aspen Berlin AI Week, participants from across the world came together in a virtual setting for discussion formats including keynotes, two-on-one conversations, panel discussions, and seminars taking place in both English and German.

This panel discussion featured:

• Mario Brandenburg, Member of the Bundestag (FDP); Speaker, AI Enquete Commission
• Andreas Liebl, Managing Director at UnternehmerTUM, appliedAI Initiative
• Hinrich Thölken, Director for Climate and Energy Policy and Digital Transformation, German Federal Foreign Office
• Yvonne Hofstetter, Publicist & Managing Director, TERAMARK Technologies GmbH
• Annette Mühlberg, Head of task force "Digitization", ver.di

Moderated by Tyson Barker, Head, Technology and Global Affairs Program, German Council on Foreign Relations

Further details on Aspen Germany's AI Week can be found here:
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