188 Aufrufe
A Rig Tour with German and English Subtitles! In this video, we take a tour of Eble on the Road’s Self Converted Mercedes 813 TV Truck to Overlander Build.

They found an ideal starting point to build their Home on Wheels, the perfect size for Overlanding, and a clever air suspension system that sits the box down on four corner posts when stationary. This functionality was leftover from it's earlier life when it served as a mobile television truck.

They needed to gut the television equipment and furniture out of the box. And then they had a clean slate to furnish the interior as they saw fit… There are lots of clever ideas to soak in, folding motorcycle storage in the back garage, a rooftop terrace with tilting solar panel arrays, pneumatic powered entry door...

Check out Eble on the Road on YouTube:

They recently did a tour of our Rig, which you can see here:

0:00 Welcome and Introduction
1:59 Outside Storage Tour
5:40 Back Garage with Motorcycle Lift
10:12 Auxiliary Fuel Tank
11:07 Kneeling Suspension
11:59 Driving Cab
14:00 Inside Tour - Kitchen
18:05 Bedroom Tour
18:46 Tiny Sweet Little Bathroom
20:35 Wi-Fi and LTE Connectivity
22:00 Rooftop Terrace

A big shout-out to all our channel members, this video was the first time we got to use our dual wireless mic setup, we were having some glitching or interference that we have to solve, but we appreciate the support that lets us get equipment like this to improve our video quality.

If you'd like to drop a few pesos in the Sombrero for Fuel or Camera Gear, please consider becoming a member of the channel. For more information Click Here: https://www.youtube.com/everlanders/join

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